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Our Story

Hello Goddesses,

I welcome you here to this space with all of my heart. As I hope our new name makes clear, The Juicy Goddesses is not just me; it is all of you Divine Queens as well! Here I wish to share with you the true depth and purpose of this creation, birthed from my passion, pain, persistence and pleasure.

(Photographer: @Daniel.Sun_)

From the core of my being, I believe that All women are beautiful, All women are sensual, and All women deserve to find and express these aspects of themselves; and so much more! At the same time, as it is part of my journey too, I know that most women often have challenges finding and expressing these aspects of themselves or even believing that they exist. These challenges that most women face are a significant part of the reason I began this journey with The Juicy Goddesses. One of my main goals is to help women unleash their Inner Elegance and Juicy Joy. And I am just beginning! Speaking of beginnings, let's start there. : )

Everything we experience in life helps make us what we are. One of the best presents my mom ever gave me was my first sewing machine. I had zero idea how to use it and got no help or instruction with it, but I figured it out on my own and haven't looked back. I have been designing clothes and outfits ever since. I did dabble in fashion school for a bit; however at that time in my life, I had zero taste or desire for the business side of fashion, so I struck out on my own once again.


In 2021, an entirely new chapter of my life and business began. I began hosting monthly Women's Red Tent Circles in our 17-foot Geodome. This was such a powerful, rewarding and educational experience for me. I moved through insecurity and barely valuing my offerings to complete confidence in my abilities to lead as I began to value my worth fully. During this time, I also began to invest in myself and uplevel myself and my business. 

In April of 2022, The Juicy Goddesses was born (at first being called The Juicy Goddess). I dabbled in selling at festivals and worked my ass off designing and creating my Juicy Goddesses line by hand. I learned how to make and market my website and put up the first version of it. I dove deep into social media and made my first Juicy online sales. I took courses and made connections with women I admired, which inspired me. And I Grew! 

I stumbled, I fell, I broke. More than once. I doubted, I wailed, I almost gave up, also more than once. But I held on, grew, never stopped creating, and always kept my goals in mind. I kept walking toward my dreams, even if I sometimes felt like I was walking backwards, which brings us, more or less, to where we are here and now.

If you've made it this far, I thank you so very much, dear one.  But I wanted you to Know Me, to understand why I'm here, why I'm doing this and what The Juicy Goddesses mean to me. And as I've said before, this is just the beginning! There is SO much more I have and want to offer!! From Women's Circles to Fertility Education to Juicy Couture to Ceremonial Shopping Experiences and more! 

I deeply desire The Juicy Goddesses to be an international Hub of Fabulous, Powerful Women from all over the world who can and will join together to help each other, Support each other, and Lift Each Other Up! I want Every woman, whether she's the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or hip-deep in snotty tissues and shitty diapers, whether a Third World Entrepreneur or an LA Starlet, to feel Connected and Empowered and Beautiful and Sensual. THIS is what The Juicy Goddesses is, This Is What WE Are!

I couldn't be happier having you here with me on this journey.

Thank you. Bless You. I Love You.

With All My Heart,






Photographer: @vlada_tara